Fantastic Foods Enterprises

Fantastic Foods Enterprises

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Amala and okra soup with beef

Amala and okra soup with beef


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Amala and okra soup with fish

Amala and okra soup with fish


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Bread burger

Bread burger


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Egusi soup

Egusi soup


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Basmati rice in shrimp sauce

Basmati rice in shrimp sauce


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Small chops

Small chops


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Small chops

Small chops


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Goatmeat peppersoup

Goatmeat peppersoup


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Jollof rice with chicken and plantain

Jollof rice with chicken and plantain


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Noodles with omelette and plantain

Noodles with omelette and plantain


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Fried rice with chicken and plantain

Fried rice with chicken and plantain


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Boiled yam and egg sauce

Boiled yam and egg sauce


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Ewa agoyin  with fish and plantain

Ewa agoyin with fish and plantain


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Moi moi

Moi moi


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Plantain frittata (plantain and egg)

Plantain frittata (plantain and egg)


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Pounded yam (poundo)

Pounded yam (poundo)


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Efo riro

Efo riro


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Vegetable sandwich

Vegetable sandwich


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Toast bread

Toast bread


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Chicken sandwich

Chicken sandwich


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Showing 1 to 12 [ 12 Page(s) ]

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Amala and okra soup with beef

Amala and okra soup with beef


Amala and okra soup with fish

Amala and okra soup with fish


Basmati rice in shrimp sauce

Basmati rice in shrimp sauce


Boiled yam and egg sauce

Boiled yam and egg sauce





Efo riro

Efo riro


Egusi soup

Egusi soup


Fried rice with chicken and plantain

Fried rice with chicken and plantain


Jollof rice with chicken and plantain

Jollof rice with chicken and plantain


Noodles with omelette and plantain

Noodles with omelette and plantain


Plantain frittata (plantain and egg)

Plantain frittata (plantain and egg)


Vegetable sandwich

Vegetable sandwich


Amala and okra soup with beef


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Amala and okra soup with fish


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Basmati rice in shrimp sauce


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Boiled yam and egg sauce


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Efo riro


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Egusi soup


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Fried rice with chicken and plantain


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Jollof rice with chicken and plantain


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Noodles with omelette and plantain


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Plantain frittata (plantain and egg)

Vegetable sandwich


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